Online documentation for anchorectl

Is there an online “man page” for anchorectl?

I’ve searched, and found the Anchore documentation for performing actions using the CLI tool generically, but I haven’t found a basic list of the commands and options.

We can run anchorectl --help to get this info, sure, but we are using the CLI tool in an environment where we aren’t granted shell access. In order to get information about a subcommand, we have to run a CI pipeline to simply poll --help, or we need to go through corporate software approval to be allowed to install it locally just to ask it for --help.

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Great question. I couldn’t find anything, so I wrote some python to just recursively spit out all the help, as a stop-gap. :slight_smile:

Not perfect, but gets you past this hurdle for now. I’ve uploaded the markdown files for whatever versions of anchorectl I had on my laptop. Happy to do more if needed. I take requests :slight_smile:

I’ll raise this with the team, to see if we can find a more permanent place for this, or something like it.

If you’re an Anchore Enterprise customer, I’d recommend using the Support portal

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Dude, that’s great! Thank you! :smile:

We are the end-user, though technically the customer paying for it is both my and the host company’s customer. The host holds the actual licenses. We’ll definitely work with them to post any more serious issues through the support portal.

Thanks again!

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