I am scanning flattened os image where python package is detected twice by both “RPM-DB-Cataloger” and “python-installed-package-cataloger”.
As per doc, I found that “exclude-binary-overlap-by-ownership” is true by default. It means, SBOM should contain only from RPM cataloger and it should not contain from python package cataloger right. am I understanding it correctly? or something wrong with artifact I am scanning.
Below is the identifications:
Python cataloger:
“id”: “c4995e2ecbab59ab”,
“name”: “setuptools”,
“version”: “39.2.0”,
“type”: “python”,
“foundBy”: “python-installed-package-cataloger”,
“locations”: [
“path”: “/usr/share/python3-wheels/setuptools-39.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl_extracted/setuptools-39.2.0.dist-info/METADATA”,} ], "purl": "pkg:pypi/setuptools@39.2.0"
RPM cataloger:
“id”: “e93dce2edcfb4641”,
“name”: “python3-setuptools”,
“version”: “39.2.0-8.el8_10”,
“type”: “rpm”,
“foundBy”: “rpm-db-cataloger”,
“purl”: “pkg:rpm/python3-setuptools@39.2.0-8.el8_10?arch=noarch&upstream=python-setuptools-39.2.0-8.el8_10.src.rpm”,
“metadata”: {
“name”: “python3-setuptools”,
“version”: “39.2.0”,
“epoch”: null,
“architecture”: “noarch”,
“release”: “8.el8_10”
“locations”: [
“path”: “/var/lib/rpm/Packages”
- How can I exclude the overlap packages which are detected by binary and package catalogers
- Also, release information like “8.el8_10” is only available in RPM and not available from python cataloger. Is it possible to add this parameter for package catalogers so that correlator tools can use this information for identifying backported fixes.