Removing epoch in rpm version

have a little question to understand better the logic in RPM matching.
I have a finding (attached below) on a package named “dbus-libs”
in the upstream’s version I see the version without the epuch (dbus), and in the package itself i see the version with the epoch.
my question is, where i can find the logic which trims the epoch (in grype), or how can we know if we can ignore this epoch while doing matching?
I’m trying to understand if i can relate the versions the same way, since the package dbus-libs is a transitive package of dbus \ we get the vulnerability using the upstream.


      "matchDetails": [
          "type": "exact-direct-match",
          "matcher": "rpm-matcher",
          "searchedBy": {
            "distro": {
              "type": "amazonlinux",
              "version": "2"
            "namespace": "amazon:distro:amazonlinux:2",
            "package": {
              "name": "dbus-libs",
              "version": "1:1.10.24-7.amzn2"
          "found": {
            "versionConstraint": "< 1.10.24-7.amzn2.0.3 (rpm)",
            "vulnerabilityID": "ALAS-2023-2006"
          "type": "exact-indirect-match",
          "matcher": "rpm-matcher",
          "searchedBy": {
            "distro": {
              "type": "amazonlinux",
              "version": "2"
            "namespace": "amazon:distro:amazonlinux:2",
            "package": {
              "name": "dbus",
              "version": "1.10.24-7.amzn2"

hi! this is still relevant for me :slight_smile: