Hi Alex,
It is absolutely none of my business. I just wanted to make sure things are okay with you.
We miss you over at GitHub - wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
All the best,
Gabriel Jones
Hi Alex,
It is absolutely none of my business. I just wanted to make sure things are okay with you.
We miss you over at GitHub - wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
All the best,
Gabriel Jones
Hey there! Thanks so much for checking in on Alex. He’s alive and well, and I’m sure life (children, work etc) got in the way. I totally empathise as I think about all the GitHub projects I have “abandoned” or “forgotten”. I wish there were more hours in the day.
Maybe it’s time to say goodbye, and hand the reigns over to someone else?
Thanks so much. I volunteer to take the reigns if he is so inclined.
Indeed, I’m alive and well! Regarding dive, I hear your interest… give me a few weeks to see how I can make more time for you and dive in general. I don’t want to leave the project in the state it’s in, but I also am not comfortable handing over control of such a large project either.