Wellness check on Alex Goodman


Hi Alex,

It is absolutely none of my business. I just wanted to make sure things are okay with you.

We miss you over at GitHub - wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image

All the best,
Gabriel Jones

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Hey there! Thanks so much for checking in on Alex. He’s alive and well, and I’m sure life (children, work etc) got in the way. I totally empathise as I think about all the GitHub projects I have “abandoned” or “forgotten”. I wish there were more hours in the day.

Maybe it’s time to say goodbye, and hand the reigns over to someone else?

Thanks so much. I volunteer to take the reigns if he is so inclined.

I am gabrieljones (Gabriel Jones) · GitHub

Indeed, I’m alive and well! Regarding dive, I hear your interest… give me a few weeks to see how I can make more time for you and dive in general. I don’t want to leave the project in the state it’s in, but I also am not comfortable handing over control of such a large project either.