We’re back with another regular Anchore OSS Community Meeting Today!
If you’re a user of or contributor to Syft or Grype, and have something you’d like to discuss, the Engineers are [IN]
The Zoom call can be used to discuss issues, pull requests, future roadmap items, or just bring questions and learn.
Starts at 2024-11-21T17:00:00Z for up to an hour.
This is a final call for topics, for the agenda !
If there’s anything you would like to discuss directly with the team, stick it on the agenda! 
Agenda document
Join this group for write access
Add the invite to your calendar
This week we were joined by Adam and Rich - it was Rich’s first time joining.
We discussed the following topics:
- Windows OS detection
- Fast file indexing
We also chatted about these issues:
Rich mentioned difficulty finding documentation of all the fields in the SBOMs that Syft generates.
This reminded @spiffcs that we have an issue related to an update to CycloneDX
We also discussed minimum NTIA requirements, and CISA recommendations for SBOMs.
We also discussed the roadmap, and how we track the work there.
Finally we mentioned our participation in the SBOM Hamonization Plugfest 2024 - which I suspect we’ll talk more about soon.