January 2nd | Community Meeting | Zoom call

Hi all, we’re back from the holiday break with our regular community meeting Zoom call.

If you’re a user of or contributor to Syft or Grype, and have something you’d like to discuss, the team will be available. The Zoom call can be used to discuss issues, pull requests, future roadmap items, or just bring questions and learn.

Where & When

:alarm_clock: Zoom call begins at 2025-01-02T17:00:00Z for up to an hour.

Please add topics to the agenda !
If there’s anything you would like to discuss directly with the team, stick it on the agenda! :partying_face:
Everyone is welcome :pray: A webcam is not required.

:scroll: Agenda document
:closed_lock_with_key: Join this group for write access
:calendar: Add the invite to your calendar

do we have today open source gardening?

Hey @TimBrown1611 - happy new year!

Not this week. We had a company shutdown over the holidays and all started back today, so everyone is just catching up.

We’ll be back with a gardening session next Thursday.

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